Wellness care is an essential part of responsible pet ownership, helping to ensure that animals remain healthy, happy, and free from illness and disease. By taking a proactive approach to animal healthcare, owners can help to extend the lifespan and improve the quality of life of their beloved pets.


Wellness exams start at $50.00

Our wellness exams are by appointment only. During a wellness exam, our veterinarians will perform a thorough physical examination of your pet, looking for any signs of illness or disease. They will also discuss the animal's diet, exercise routine, and any concerns you may have about your pet's behavior or health. Annual exams are required for the purchase of flea prevention medications as well as for access to other Critter Care services such as boarding and grooming. Please download and complete our client and patient forms below.

Be prepared for your visit and help save time with our Wellness Exam Checklist:

  1. Completed client and patient history paperwork

  2. All preexisting veterinary medical records

  3. Identification, such as a driver’s license

  4. Fresh (within 24 hours or less) stool sample

  5. If urinary health is a concern, a fresh urine sample

  6. Video(s) or photo(s) of any problematic symptoms

  7. A list of questions or concerns you may have for the veterinarian